The summer is a beautiful time of year on Long Island and throughout New
York. The air is warm, the grass is green, and the flowers are in bloom.
Because of the nice weather, more people are walking around outside, more
people are jogging, and a lot more children are outside during the day
and night (for teens).
Because school is out, children are at a higher risk of being involved
in a pedestrian accident, a bicycle accident, or a drowning accident,
so this is something parents need to be aware of during a more relaxed
time of year, where parents can naturally put their guard down.
For adults and children alike, the summertime increases the risks of certain
types of accidents. Here is a list of the types of accidents that you
should be concerned about during the summer:
- Drowning accidents
- Car accidents
- Boating accidents
- Dog bites
- Bicycle accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Pedestrian accidents
Why the uptick in accidents during the summer? Much of it has to do with
children and teens being out of school. On June 1, 2016,
USA Today reported on data released from AAA: “Teenagers are more likely to
get in car accidents during the summer, and the number of deaths that
occur in conjunction with teen-related car accidents increases to 10 per
Not surprisingly, driver distraction, such as texting while driving contributed
to nearly 60% of the above crashes. So, if you’re a parent of a
teenage driver, please teach him or her not to text and drive.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published an article entitled,
Summertime is ‘trauma season’ for hospital ERs. In the article, the author, Bill Toland stated, “You may know it
as summer, but in emergency rooms across the country, the three-month
period that follows is known as “trauma season.” Toland went
on to say that it’s “particularly true in the North”
where people have been cooped up for months indoors.
Be Extra Careful During the Summer
Do accidents increase during the summer? Yes, absolutely. If you are a
parent, please ensure that your children practice proper safety precautions
when swimming, riding bicycles, and walking along the public roads. While
you’re driving, please pay extra attention to children who may dart
out into the street, and be cautious of teens who are texting while driving.
Make sure you don’t drink and drive and resist the urge to look
at your smartphone while driving.
If you’re looking for a Long Island
personal injury lawyer,
contact Laurence A. Silverman, Esq., to schedule a free consultation!